Balance your Work and Life
Every morning the great scramble begins for another day. Irritating travel and commuting, job pressures, inevitable communications you have to make regardless of your mood etc would make you grinded out.
The career alone will not make an entire life. If a person achieves his career goal, still, life and aspirations exists. There is a life beyond our career. In that life there are so many characters directly or indirectly related to us.
Take an example of wheel. When the wheel is rolling, the upper sides of the wheel have to come down, and so the lower sides of the wheel have to go up. If this rotation process is not happening means that wheel has got stuck and is not rolling.
Life is also like a wheel encircled by career, family and so many other things. If you focus only on your career means that the other parts of the life are stagnated and hence the life wheel is stopped rolling.
You go for a job to earn for a living to make your personal life more comfortable. If you think of the office whole day, surely it’s going to be having an adverse affect on your personal life. No matter how much you earn, if you cannot make your personal life a comfortable one, then what’s the use of earning?
You have to make right balance between your career and personal life. One can have effect on other. So tread your path carefully. Your family relationship may get affected by the tension you acquire from the office. This shaken family relationship may cause you disturbed and this would be have its own affect on your office work. So, on both fronts you would be in receiving end.
You find people who are completely submerged in the work place. They consider the career too serious and forget the other facets of life. They tend to take all responsibilities of the job by themselves. They go on moving under it until their back buckles under pressure. You can also see some people who seem to be workaholic. They stay in the office for long hours piling up huge job works in front of them. They couldn’t finish the work in right time and hence stay for late hours to finish the pending works.
Anyways, in both these cases, the job becomes monotonous and your approach towards the job also becomes monotonous. You completely lose the excited ness the job would have provided you.
Brain gets rusted by the monotonousness. Your energy gets drained away with no change in day to day life. Sparing some time with family members or your beloved ones, gives you extra energy and freshness. Moreover your beloved ones feel happy with your larger presence. And sure, their happiness will lead you to satisfaction in the end of the day. No tension in the end of the day means fresh adrenaline running in your body the next day. With that adrenaline, your approach towards job will be different. You find some other interesting ways, instead of that same monotonous way, to tackle your job works in time and you find more time to spend for your personal life. You no more find the job monotonous, but actually get satisfaction from it besides getting pleasure of fun with your family members or soul mates or your friends or your hobbies. This keeps you in good stead for day to day routine.
Indian Software giant INFOSYS’s Chairman Mr. Narayanamurthy in one of his speech, had talked about this problem. Here is some part of his speech.
“...Whatever the reason for putting in overtime, working long hours over the long term is harmful to the person and to the organization....My Colleagues who are in the office long hours frequently make mistakes caused by fatigue. Correcting these mistakes requires their time as well as the time and energy of others...
“Another problem is that people who are in the office for long hours are not pleasant company. They often complain about other people (who aren't working as hard); they are irritable, or cranky, or even angry. Other people avoid them. Such behavior poses problems, where work goes much better when people work together instead of avoiding one another.
“ is a guideline I find helpful:
1) Wake up, eat a good breakfast, and go to work.
2) Work hard and smart for eight or nine hours.
3) Go home.
4) Read the comics, watch a funny movie, dig in the dirt, play with
your kids, etc.
5) Eat well and sleep well.
“This is called recreating. Doing steps 1, 3, 4, and 5 enable step 2. Working regular hours and recreating daily are simple concepts...Allowing for little rest is not ultimately practical. So, take a nap. Things will happen while you're asleep, but you will have the energy to catch up when you wake.
(Because you never know when it stops loving you)"
- Narayana Murthy
Mr. Narayana murthy himself is top professional who had to work hard to achieve what he is now. But he never sacrificed his personal life happiness for the sake of this career goal.
So guys, don't overpower your inhibitions, and don't get overpowered by your aspirations....